How to combat insider threats as organizations increasingly rely on cloud computing to telecommunicate?

Traditional carriers of digital information are gradually becoming a thing of the past. To save a large amount of data or exchange files, it is not necessary to use any external drives. There is no need to carry all the information with you if you can use a reliable “cloud storage.”

How to Use Cloud Computing to Telecommunicate?

The spread of high-capacity networks, the low cost of computers and data storage devices, as well as the widespread adoption of virtualization and service-oriented architecture have led to a huge growth in cloud computing. End users may not worry about the operation of the equipment of the technological infrastructure “in the cloud storage” that supports them. An analogy of computing “clouds” from everyday life can be power plants. Although a homeowner can buy an electric generator and take care of its operation on their own, most people prefer to receive energy from centralized suppliers.

Cloud storage increases flexibility, provides global scale and allows access to data anytime, anywhere. The intended use is the storage of backup copies of files, sites, and databases, as well as just static content (video, audio, images, etc.).

Cloud computing to telecommunicate is a fairly general term that combines several approaches and models for providing and managing IT services, so in practice, everyone understands this term differently. Some consider cloud computing to be the hosting of virtual machines or the colocation of servers based only on network access to resources, while others consider cloud computing to be such user services as Dropbox and Google Drive. That is, most users define cloud computing by only one feature – network access, but cloud computing is a much more voluminous entity.

The Best Way to Combat Insider Threats as Organisations Increasingly Rely on Cloud Computing?

IT infrastructure vulnerability management programs are a constant challenge for security specialists, including the need to respond to a large volume of open vulnerabilities, a weak level of automation of the vulnerability detection process, prioritization and mitigation of their consequences, and the use of various vulnerability management tools.

Using cloud computing to telecommunicate and for data storage allows companies to reduce the costs of server equipment while using only the newest and fastest machines for work. Migrating to the cloud makes commercial sense for most companies, as it reduces server administration and upgrade costs. The package of services allows you to work not only at the workplace but also on business trips, travels, or from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.

And why do you need cloud computing services to telecommunicate? They provide:

  • high level of computing power;
  • the ability to effectively and quickly scale cloud resources to stabilize the IT infrastructure, which is not always possible with ordinary servers;
  • effective IT infrastructure management;
  • secure environment for storing and working with corporate data;
  • the possibility of remote work;
  • preservation of office space;
  • a platform for introducing innovations.

How to choose which cloud computing service to communicate is right for you? You can simply choose how much free storage space you get. It’s simple, but it’s only part of the story. The true value of cloud storage depends on how well it works for you or your business. Reliable protection of your business information is provided in the data center. The availability of the service is guaranteed from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.